Wednesday 15 January 2020

It seems that from the moment we are born, people talk about whom we could marry.

Young mothers match their babies and laugh at how they can become a couple one day.

Young children are photographed with their hands and sweet "oohs" and "ahhs" are whispered when parents capture the right image.

Everywhere in primary and secondary education our parents ridicule us about the children we like and in high school it's "who are you dating?"

When we arrive at the university, we are under pressure to have a full calendar, social life and other important people.

Almost 25? Well, you better find someone and think about settling in the long term.

No wonder we go crazy looking for love, it seems to be the only thing people think about.

If you are one of those people who has waited a lifetime for the right person to think it will never happen for you, consider these 17 tips to remind you that there is more to life than just waiting for the half of you will complete.

1) You are not too old

Regardless of your age, you are not too old to find love.

Of course it seems that you are and you can really feel that you are, but "all good" has not disappeared, not even at your age.

You never know who you will meet or what you will meet, or which old flames you could light with more passion than ever.

But these meetings can only take place if you do not disclose your antiquity to the world and keep an eye on the price. With age comes wisdom and you will be better prepared to find a partner who is a better compliment to you.

When you are young, it is like a shot in the dark, because you don't even know what you want in a couple, but when you are older, you value several things and that can be the key to finding someone to love .

2) Love is not reserved for the very special people of the world

Keep in mind that although it seems that everyone around you is in love, it is not true.

There is nothing wrong with you and there is nothing special about them. You will find love when it is supposed to be.

Ask yourself how happy these couples really are and maybe even ask a question: it might surprise you that many people just go through movements because they don't want to be alone.

You may not be in love, but at least you are not pretending to be in love or clinging to a relationship simply by maintaining it.

That's a bit bad thinking there.

3) It could be a number game

Here's the thing: if you don't buy a ticket, you can't win the lottery.

The same goes for dating: if you don't meet people, you can't fall in love. Okay, of course, you can meet people online, but unless there is a new invention that we don't know, you still have to go out and have a date or two to see if this works.

So go out and meet new people. But don't look for love. Go out to meet people and see what happens.

You may not know the one for you, but you can make some great friends who know someone who is right for you.

(Do you want to make a man absolutely addicted to you? Look at my new article here where I reveal how to do it)

4) Relax and do it

As the old saying goes, "a guarded pot never boils." Don't concentrate on finding love.

Take a hobby, make new friends, take a dance class, go to the movies alone, write, read, paint, travel, eat, sleep, have fun, take a dog, go to the park, go on road trip, start a business: There are a million things you could do to improve your life.

Instead, you are probably sitting on the couch and feeling sorry for yourself because no one loves you. But is that really true? Don't love yourself

Go out and live your life and love will come when you least expect it.

5) Love doesn't make everything better

If you think that contacting someone will suddenly improve your life in the long run, you may be completely wrong.

It might be better in the beginning, but that's only because you focus on that person and not on the other parts of your life that might need a makeover.

Make sure you find a balance between what you want in life and the amount of responsibility you assign to another person. It cannot be your job to make you happy.

And if you feel miserable, they won't have close enough time to take on that task. Find things that create happiness in your life and free your future loved one from that happiness.

6) Don't be negative

People feed on the emotions of others and if you are completely tense about finding love, there is simply no way to get it.

You know this is true because you can't stand being close to your aunt June, who is so negative about everything.

Check that you are not transmitting the same type of vibration that others can receive.

You can literally refuse to be loved by people. But the good news is that you can turn it around in a short time.

Think positive and do positive things and you will attract the kind of love you are looking for in your life.

7) Don't pretend you're doing well

If you feel broken inside but pretend to lead a murderous life on Instagram, the universe will realize the nonsense and attract your attention.

In return, you get appointments that also act as if they are together and if you are in the same room, everything will feel like a disaster ... and not in a good way.

You must clear your mind and organize your thoughts so that you do not unconsciously send bad vibes to the universe.

8) Do not always stay at home

Come now. Really? Do you keep waiting at home until love finds you? Get off the couch and leave.

Vitamin D will be good for you anyway. Moreover, you can meet new people, meet new people, put you in touch with new people they have met and voila!

You may know someone who is perfect for you. But don't bring them back to your wet apartment just to sit on the couch. Stay outside and live together!

9) Do not trust others

If your mother has been trying to set dates since she was 7, she may not even know how to get out and find a date for you.

First tell mom to remove it. Second, go to a speed date class and learn more about other people en route.

You don't have to commit to anything and you don't have to say yes to someone who doesn't want to see anymore, but with the intention of seeing what's there.

Side note: Keep in mind that people who show up for speed date events are not the only people, so don't go home to cry if all you find is completely nice people to talk to, but not lead. Shake yourself and try again.

10) Ask others for help

While you shouldn't put pressure on your friends and family to find someone to love, and you shouldn't trust them to do all the work for you, it's great to ask for help in making contacts.

Maybe you avoid this because you don't want to seem desperate. What does it matter if you seem desperate?

You're desperate, right? Aren't we all desperately looking for someone to love? Stop pretending that you don't want or need someone in your life. Swallow your pride and request some connections and telephone numbers.

11) Build a good life for you

One of the most important things you can do in preparation for finding the love of your life is to build a good life first.

Don't expect to meet someone to buy that house, that car, that journey. You don't need anyone to validate your ideas, but you also don't need anyone to pay half of these things.

If you love them and you think you should not do it because you are alone, think again.

Building a good life not only makes you happy, it probably also helps you find someone to love.

Nobody wants to go out with a woman or man who lives in their parents' basement.

(To learn how to act together and create a good life for yourself, see our guide on how to make your life united here)

12) Have faith

Instead of being monotonous with life, have a little faith that things will work for you. After all, nobody wants to go out with a sad bag that doesn't think it deserves good things in life, right?

So start believing that you are able to be loved and that you are a good person and you know it yourself. You must believe that you will have the life you want, including the love you deserve.

13) I know you deserve love

You can't walk with compassion for yourself and tell yourself that no one loves you, no one loves you so much, that's for sure.

Do not have mercy on yourself. Create a life that's great and don't worry about what love will bring you to the table.

Love must be something that you can add to your life, but that does not define your life.

And be prepared to allow different kinds of love in your life: not everything must be romantic love.

14) Accept the love that is offered to you

When it comes to finding love, you have to have an open mind about where you accept love: we all dream of being saved by an armored knight, but the truth is that love comes from all kinds of unexpected places. .

We just have to be willing to let it go in our lives. We often reject sources of love because we believe that we are not worthy or that love is not worthy of us.

So stay open to what love can come to you.

15) Throw away your idea of ​​an ideal partner

If you ever want to find someone to love, you must reconsider your strict partner checklist.

Of course you have standards, everyone has them, but the reality that you are going to love will be different from what you think that person is now.

It is even possible that the person you fall in love with will surprise you.

16) Be open to the power of the suggestion

You need to look for signs of the universe that tell you that there is something right in front of you that you can love.

If you exclude yourself from the world and get away from the signs that often lie before you, you miss the opportunity to find a special kind of love: the unexpected.

The power of the suggestion is usually much clearer than you think once you are tuned.

The problem for most people is that they are so focused on finding a certain person or source of love that they lose what awaits them all the time.

17) Be a better communicator

Before entering into a relationship, you must ask yourself whether your communication skills are in order.

If you can't hold a conversation for more than a few minutes, or if you get nervous with people, you might want to work on those things.

Not only for the person in your company, but also for your own benefit.

The better you communicate, the greater the chance that you will get exactly what you want in life.

(Click here for 14 tips to improve your interpersonal skills)

18) Model your relationship after a relationship that you admire

Don't chase fairy-tale dreams in search of the right relationship. Instead, look a little closer to home.

Consider how your parents could have loved or the relationship of a friend you admire.

If you have not had much luck finding role models for your relationships, imagine what you want your next relationship to look like and fight for what's important to you, rather than what someone looks like, why a life , or what kind of car they drive.

Those things do not mean that you will have a great relationship or that love will be pure.

First concentrate on yourself and what you want to get out of a relationship and the rest is suitable.

Don't worry if you've recently had a relationship with someone or have already been single.

With a few simple changes and a better attitude about what you want and how you can get it, you will return to the dating game soon.

And if it's the first time you play, give yourself some room to make mistakes and irritate it and learn from the people you are dating.

Nobody is perfect and it can take some time to discover what you really want in a relationship.

But you have to go out and talk to people, get up from the couch and ask for help, get over yourself and your shit and make things happen. Click here and find My Powerful profile Sanjit Bakshi at

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